I was born to Italian immigrant parents. Anna and Marcello who met and married in the United States where they came to make a better life for themselves. My first trip to Italy was when I was 12 years old.  I grew up hearing, speaking, tasting and discovering my heritage.  When I threw that coin into the Trevi Fountain in 1974, my words were…”I will live here one day”.  I remember it as clear as yesterday.  Fast forward to 2015… after many trips to Italy with friends and family, Dave and I decided to get married here.  When he asked me where I would like to get married I said Italy.  There was no hesitation. After a blind email to a fellow transplanted Bostonian with my thoughts and ideas we decided to take the leap of faith as I had done so many times before. We were married here in the summer of 2016 and purchased our home in 2017.  We have explored so much of this area…the towns, the food, the history, the satisfaction of restoring an old home and the love of what is one of my favorite regions in the country… Umbria.

It’s 2023 and my love, passion and desire for everything Italy are now reflective in creating culinary Experiences for my guests. I have traveled from Venice to the outreaches of Sicily and hundreds of amazing places in between and will never stop exploring. With each travel Experience I bring new foods, recipes and traditions home to share. I invite you to join me in discovering Umbria and beyond.  I will not stop searching for that new town, cheese shop, a different bean variety…..it’s never ending. Don’t just visit Italy, Experience it !!!